Business Management





Course Description

Inherently, everybody is a businessman or a businesswoman. From running a small kiosk selling neighborhood essentials to running a conglomerate, the foundational principles of business management are the same.

Surprisingly, not very many people succeed in running businesses. The simple reason for this is as a result of not having acquainted themselves adequately with the knowledge and skills for managing a business in the fast-changing world that we are in today.

At Omni Digital Media Institute, our Intermediate Certificate in Business Management is designed to give the students a formidable set of skills to make the student not only the knowledge but also the skills they will need to manage their business from small to large scale.


2 Months, 50 – 60 Hours

  Who is it for?

This course is practically for everybody who is either just planning to start a business, is already running a business or seeks to grow their business.


Learning Expectations

    1. Planning your Business: Dreams, Vision, and Reality
    1. Where is your Market?
    1. Fundamentals of Business Financing
    1. Designing your Product and Services
    1. Principles of Marketing
    1. Finance and Accounting
    1. Managing Customers and Clients
    1. You in a Global Economy
    1. Start Small, Aim Big
    1. Laws, Taxes and Regulations
    1. Putting it all Together

  What you need

This course is available both online and onsite. You will need:

    1. A steady connection to the internet
    1. A Smartphone, Laptop or Desktop Computer
    1. Notepads
    1. A Zoom account

Minimum Expectations for Certification

    1. Attend at least 80% Lecture Hours
    1. Attend at least 6 hours of field work (advised, but not compulsory)
    1. Completion of all assignments and quizzes. Assignments and quizzes constitute 20% of final assessment
    1. Pass a certification exam with a minimum score of 50%

  What you will get

    1. An Intermediate Certificate in Business Management
    1. Deep understanding of Business Development
    1. Foundational Knowledge of Finance and Accounting
    1. Advertising Skills
    1. Customer Management Skills
    1. Knowledge of the Law and Regulation


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